SEALit General Purpose Silicone

A highly compatible neutral curing silicone sealant for a wide range of interior & exterior jobs.

General Details

This high quality, low modulus and neutral curing general purpose silicone sealant  adheres to a wide range of porous and non-porous surfaces.

It’s suitable for all purpose internal and external applications including perimeter pointing around all types of window frames. Glazing applications including work with insulated glass units. Sealing soft metals like lead, copper & zinc. General weather and draught proofing applications. Fixing PVCu trims and panels.


Key Features
  • Excellent material compatibility.
  • Suitable for interior and exterior use.
  • +/- 25% joint movement.
  • CE certified & tested for use on frame and glazing projects.
  • Available in ECO-PAC packaging.

Hippo ECO-PACs are aluminium foil sausages that replace traditional single use plastic cartridges. These strong durable packs are easy to use with no mess and contain less than 1% plastic. They’re much better for the environment because they generate 96% less waste volume.

As well as the environmental benefits, you also benefit financially. Because a 400ml ECO-PACs is priced to be better value for money than its smaller plastic cartridge equivalent.

Technical Info
Testing Standard Result
Curing System Through moisture in the air
Components 1
Skin Formation At 23ᴼC & 50% RH 25 mins
Vulcanisation Rate At 23ᴼC & 50% RH 2,5 – 3 mm / 24 h
Density ISO 1183 1,34 g/ml
Processing Temp +5ᴼC to +40ᴼC
Shore A Hardness ISO 868 – 3 seconds 22
Elastic Recovery ISO 7389 > 90%
Joint Movement Capacity ISO 11600 25%
Modulus ISO 8339 – 100% elongation 0,38 N/mm²
Elongation at Break ISO 8339 >280%
VOC < 100 g/l
Service Temp -50ᴼC to +150ᴼC
Paint Compatibility Can not be painted


Product Variations
Product Code Size Colour Barcode
H18530 290ml Cartridge White 5060084185302
H18531 290ml Cartridge Translucent 5060084185319
H18532 290ml Cartridge Brown 5060084185326
H18533 290ml Cartridge Black 5060084185333
H18564 400ml ECO-PAC White 5060084185647
H18565 400ml ECO-PAC Translucent 5060084185654
H18563 400ml ECO-PAC Brown 5060084185630