Ready To Use Wallpaper Adhesive

Ready mixed wallpaper adhesive with added polymers for extra strength.

General Details

Our high performance, ready mixed wallpaper adhesive is packed with added polymers for extra strength. So its ideal for hanging heavy and luxury wall-coverings.

Ready Mixed Formula

Ready to use straight from the container, it can be easily used to stick any type of wallpaper in any location. Furthermore, because it is resistant to mould and heat,  this product is especially useful for projects located in high humidity areas, like kitchens and bathrooms.

Prevent Wallpaper Edge Curl

Over time, when using lower quality products, edge curl can occur when wallpaper is hung in warm areas, like behind radiators. However, thanks to its extra strong ready mixed formula, this product is a great choice for preventing it.

If it occurs, our Border Repair Adhesive can be used to mend edge curl damage.


Key Features
  • Ready to use.
  • Extra strong formulation.
  • Suitable for all types of wall-covering.
  • Can be used with “paste the wall” type papers.
Technical Info
Testing Standard Result
Physical State Visual Paste
Colour Visual Off White
Odour Mild
Flash Point N/A
VOC Content None
Viscosity Spindle 6 / speed 10 @ 25ᴼC 200 – 300 cps
pH 6.0 – 7.0
Product Variations
Product Code Size Barcode
F18340 2.5 Kg Bucket 5060084183407
F18341 4.5 Kg Bucket 5060084183414